We’re investigating more but not protecting better

This article in the British Association of Social Workers’ journal Professional Social Work summarises my presentations to the ISSA conference in Bulgaria. It discusses the international trend I’ve called the Investigative Turn where more and more children are investigated for potential abuse but fewer investigations find harm and the number of children harmed is unaffected. Meanwhile ever larger sums are spent on legal proceedings and placements in state care which are leaving English Children’s Social Care Agencies facing bankruptcy.


A video putting an international slant on why we can’t afford child protection as it currently operates is https://bilson.org.uk/2024/11/19/we-cant-afford-child-protection/

For more detailed information on why We Can’t Afford Child Protection see my web resource with Taliah Drayak on the PFAN website https://www.pfan.uk/we-cant-afford-child-protection/