
A synopsis of recent publications many of which are accessible through the links below

Bilson, A., & Image-Flower, C. (2023). Bruising in non-mobile infants: Challenging assumptions and reassessing the evidence. Family Law pp. 1194-1201 Prepublication  

Bilson, A., & Macleod, M. (2023). Social Work Interventions with Children under 5 in Scotland: Over a Quarter Referred and One in Seventeen Investigated with Wide Variations between Local Authorities. The British Journal of Social Work, bcad079 open access

Bilson A. (2022) Why the evidence does not support multi-agency child protection units. Community Care June 10

Bilson A & Talia A. (2022) Bruises in Premobile Infants: A Contested Area of Research, Policy and Practice. Practice, 1-16. DOI: 10.1080/09503153.2022.2140132

Bilson A. (2022) Why child protection policies on bruising to babies need to change Community Care November 16, 2022

Haworth, S., Bilson, A., Drayak, T., Mayes, T., & Saar-Heiman, Y. (2022). Parental Partnership, Advocacy and Engagement: The Way Forward. Social Sciences11(8), 353.

Bilson A with Long, C., Eaton, J., Russell, S., Gullon-Scott, F., (2022) Fabricated or Induced Illness and Perplexing Presentations: Abbreviated Practice Guide for Social Work Practitioners British Association of Social Workers

Bilson A. & Mayes T. (2022) Children’s social care: The way forward. Research in Practice

Bilson A. (2022) Why the evidence does not support multi-agency child protection units. Community Care June 10

Bilson A. prepared with Parent Families and Allies Network; Love Barrow Families; New Beginnings; Parent and Carer Alliance; and Southwark Family Council and Parent to Parent Peer Advocacy (2022) Children’s Social Care: The Way Forward  PFAN

Bilson, A. (2021). Child Protection Investigations in Scotland: A 33 Per Cent Increase in Two Years. Child Abuse Review.

Skinner, G. C., Bywaters, P. W., Bilson, A., Duschinsky, R., Clements, K., & Hutchinson, D. (2021). The ‘toxic trio’(domestic violence, substance misuse and mental ill-health): How good is the evidence base?. Children and Youth Services Review, 105678. Accepted Manuscript

Bilson, A., & Bywaters, P. W. B. (2020). Born into care: evidence of a failed state. Children and Youth Services Review, 105164. Accepted Manuscript

Bilson, A. & Drayak, T. (2020) We Can’t Afford Child Protection. Social Work 2020 under Covid-19, 

Tobis D, Bilson, a. & Katugampala I. (2020) International Review of Parent Advocacy in Child Welfare: Strengthening Children’s Care and Protection Through Parent Participation. Better Care Network and IPAN. Available here

Bilson, A., (2019) Building an economic case for investing in support for parents and children. in Moran, L. and Canavan, J. (Eds.) (2019) Realising Children’s Rights Through Supporting Parents. Galway: UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre  Available here

Stevens, C., Proctor, F., Rishworth, B., Boorman, A., Unwin, A., Featherstone, B. and Bilson, A. (2019) Rethinking child protection and adoption: achieving social justice in practice, Critical and Radical Social Work, vol xx no xx, 1–8, DOI: 10.1332/204986019X15663821773868 and on line version on SWAN website

Bilson A.,  Hunter Munro E. (2019) Adoption and Child Protection Trends for children aged under five in England: Increasing investigations and hidden separation of children from their parents, Children and Youth Services Review  96, January 2019, Pages 204-211 Accepted Manuscript   Published version (free until Jan 24 2019)

Bilson, A., (2018) Policies on bruises in premobile children: Why we need improved standards for policymaking. Child & Family Social Work 23:676–683 also Prepublication version

Bilson, A., Featherstone, B., Martin, K., (2017) How child protection’s ‘investigative turn’ impacts on poor and deprived communities. Family Law 47: 316-319 Prepublication version here

Bilson A., Herczog M., Kennedy J.A., Kuzminskyi V., and Rogers J. (2017) CHILDONOMICS: A Conceptual Framework Eurochild View here

Bilson A., (2017) The government’s adoption drive isn’t achieving its aims. Community Care February 9th View Here

Bilson, A., Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Thorpe, D. H. (2017). Accounting for the increase of children in care in Western Australia: What can a client information system tell us?. Child abuse & neglect, 72, 291-300. Prepublication version


Bilson, A., & Martin, K. E. (2016). Referrals and Child Protection in England: One in Five Children Referred to Children’s Services and One in Nineteen Investigated before the Age of Five. British Journal of Social Work 47(3), 793-811. Download Here

Larkins, C. and Bilson, A.(2016) The Magic 6: Participatory Action and Learning Experiences with Roma Youth Training Manual, Cluj-Napocca, Romania: Babes-Boylai University available in 8 languages ISBN978-606-37-0087-3 Download

Harries, M., Cant, R. L., Bilson, A., & Thorpe, D. (2015). Responding to information about children in adversity: ten years of a differential response model in Western Australia. Child Abuse & Neglect. 39, p. 61-72 Download Here

Bilson A., Cant R., Harries M., & Thrope D.H. (2015) “A Longitudinal Study of Children Reported to the Child Protection Department in Western Australia.” British Journal of Social Work 45(3) 771–791Download Here

Bilson A. and Larkins C (2013) “Providing Alternatives to Infant Institutionalisation in Bulgaria: Can Gatekeeping Benefit from a Social Development Orientation?” Children and Youth Services Review  35 (9). pp. 1566­-1575 Download here

Bilson A., Nyeko J., Baskott J., Rayment C. (2013) Developing Social Care and Support Services in Uganda: A literature review of international experience in implementing social care and support services: considerations for the Ugandan context. OPM, Oxford Download here

Bilson A., Nyeko J., Baskott J., Rayment C. (2013) Developing Social Care and Support Services in Uganda: Situational Analysis and Policy Recommendations. OPM, OxfordTN-makingsocialwork1

Bilson A., Nyeko J., Baskott J., Rayment C. (2013) Developing Social Care And Support Services In Uganda: Proposed Policy Statement. OPM, Oxford

Hussein, S., Manthorpe, J., Ridley, J., Austerberry, H., Farrelly, N., Larkins, C., Bilson A. & Stanley, N. (2013). Independent Children’s Social Work Practice Pilots: Evaluating Practitioners’ Job Control and Burnout. Research on Social Work Practice.

Larkins, C., Ridley, J., Farrelly, N., Austerberry, H., Bilson, A., Hussein, S., Manthorpe, J., & Stanley, N. (2013) “Children’s, Young People’s and Parents’ Perspectives on Contact: Findings from the Evaluation of Social Work Practices”. British Journal of Social Work, bct135.

Austerberry, H., Bilson, A., Farrelly, N., Hussein, S., Larkins, C., Manthorpe, J., Ridley, J. and Stanley, N. (2013) ‘Foster carers and family contact: Foster carers’ views of social work support’, Adoption and Fostering, 37(2): 116 – 29.

Stanley N., Austerberry H., Bilson A., Farrelly N., Hussein S., Larkins C., Manthorpe J., Ridley J. (2013) “Turning away from the public sector in children’s out-of-home care: An English experiment,” Children and Youth Services Review, Volume 35(1): 33-39

Stanley, N., Austerberry H., Bilson A. Farrelly N., Hargreaves K., Hussein S., Ingold A., Manthorpe J., Ridley J., Strange V. (2012) “Establishing Social Work Practices in England: The Early Evidence” British Journal of Social Work doi: 10.1093/bjsw/bcs101 Download Here

Bilson A. and Westwood J.L. (2012) Making Social Work Work: Improving social work for vulnerable families and children without parental care around the world: A literature review. EveryChild, London Download Here

Stanley, Nicky, Helen Austerberry, Andy Bilson, Nicola Farrelly, Katrina Hargreaves, Katie Hollingworth, Shereen Hussein et al. (2012) “Social work practices: Report of the national evaluation.” Download Here

Thomson G., Bilson A., and Dykes F.C., (2011) “Implementing the WHO/UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative in the community: a ‘hearts and minds’ approach.” Midwifery, doi:10.1016/j.midw.2011.03.003

Bilson A. (2010) The Development of Gate-Keeping functions in Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS: Lessons from Bulgaria, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. UNICEF, Geneva Download Here

Management bookBilson A. and Lawler J. (2010) Social Work Management and Leadership: Managing Complexity with Creativity Routledge, Abingdon

Bilson A., Price, J. and Stanley, N. (2010) “Developing Employment Opportunities for Care Leavers.” Children and Society 25(5): 345–418

Thomson G., Dykes F, Bilson A, Putsey J, Whitmore M, Dickens S (2010) “Tackling the infant formula industries” Public Health Nutrition: 13(1): 149–150

Bilson A. (2009) “Use of Residential Care in Europe for Children Aged Under Three: Some Lessons from Neurobiology” British Journal of Social Work 39(7) pp.1381-1392 doi:10.1093/bjsw/bcp076

Bilson A. and Carter R. (2008) Strategy development for the reform of the state care system for children deprived of parental care living in state care institutions  UNICEF Ukraine published on internet Download here

Bilson A. and Markova G. (2007) “But you should see their families: Preventing child abandonment and promoting social inclusion in countries in transition” Social Work and Social Science Review 12(3):57-78 Download Here

Bilson A. (2007) “International issues in children’s participation and protection” Guest Editorial: Child Abuse Review Vol. 16: 349–352 Download Here

Bilson A. and Thorpe D.H. (2007) Towards Aesthetic Seduction Using Emotional Engagement and Stories” Kybernetes 36:7/8:936-945

Bilson A. and Cox P. (2007) “Caring About Poverty: Alternatives to institutional care for children in poverty” Journal of Children & Poverty, Vol. 13, No 1 pp. 37-55 Download Here

Bilson A. (2006) “Promoting Compassionate Concern in Social Work: Reflections on Ethics, Biology and Love” British Journal of Social Work 37(8), 1371-1386 doi:10.1093/bjsw/bcl060

Bilson A (2006) “Rationality, Reflection and Research” in S White, J Fook, F Gardener Critical Reflection And Professional Development: State of the Art OUP

EBP-bookBilson A. editor (2005) Evidence Based Practice in Social Work Whiting and Birch, London

Bilson A. and Cox P.(2005) Home Truths: Children’s Rights in Institutional Care in Sri Lanka Save the Children in Sri Lanka

Bilson A. White S. (2005) “Vulnerable Children and the Courts: An International Taxonomy” Child Abuse Review 14:4 pp 220-239

Lawler J. and Bilson A (2004) “Towards a More Reflexive Research Aware Practice: The Influence and Potential of Professional and Team Culture” Social Work and Social Science Review 11(1) 52-69 Download Here

Bilson A and White S (2004) The Limits of Governance: Interrogating the Tacit Dimension in A Gray and S Harrison (ed.) Governing Medicine OUP Madenhead

Bilson A., Harwin J. (2003) Gatekeeping Services for Vulnerable Children and Families in the Changing Minds, Policies And Lives UNICEF/World Bank series, UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, Florence Download Here

gatekeepingBilson A., Gotestam R. (2003) Improving Standards of Child Protection Services in the Changing Minds, Policies And Lives UNICEF/World Bank series, UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, Florence Download Here

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